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Livingston First Church

Seeing the Coming Glory—Already in our Midst!

The Leadership School is almost over as I write this. It has been an intense three weeks, to say the least! Our house has been a hub of busyness, with 30 or so folks till evenings daily, with little privacy. “Little things,” like the septic system and the A/C unit have required major attention. One toilet has had to be removed and reset twice in three weeks….

But oh, what Glory we have seen and felt and experienced these past three weeks! It has been a blast and, given a few days to recover, we would be willing to open our home for it again in the future! Fortunately, we don’t foresee that being necessary. Next year will be bigger and perhaps even more powerful.

I invite you to see and feel and experience the Glory of what God is doing in our midst—in our church and in this region! The Appalachia Awakening is beginning to awake! The Antioch call on our church is not only happening but is growing! Our Kaleo Family is remarkable and remarkably healthy.

While all the teaching and teachers have been fantastic, it was a special joy to have Tom Halliburton here, the pastor I followed. His encouragement and excitement over what the Lord has done and is doing here is both affirming and contagious.

And while teaching was a key part of this School, it was really the amazing flows of the Holy Spirit—healing, freeing, filling, confirming, and calling moves—that made this Kaleo School so phenomenal. WE are part of something so big, so God centered, so real… It overwhelms and amazes me every time I think about it.

I am keeping this short this week. We just got back from the creek and 5 more baptisms, and the Pizza for supper is hot and ready.

I just wanted to thank you for all you have done to make this school so great. Opening your homes. Preparing LARGE meals. Financial support. Powerful prayer covering and intercession. YOU have been—and continue to be part of an unfolding of grace and glory that will change the world. Hang on tight and enjoy the wave!!

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