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Prophetic Words for Appalachia Awakening 

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Each Sunday, we have a time of prayer for Appalachia Awakening. The following are prophetic words we have received. If you have any words for Appalachia Awakening, you wish to share with us, click the contact button below. 

"I am cleaning the wells of revival in Appalachia and am raising up pioneers in this day to steward this reformation. Don't look at the measure the world gives, look unto My Kingdom for your supply and strength. Appalachia will ring with the praises and rejoicing of people who is encountering their God, for I AM is coming near to feed the hungry and the thirsty, for more of Me." 9/5/21

"Dead religion, based on fear, is BROKEN over the region and is in its place, Life in the Spirit will flow! Freedom!!!" 9/5/21 

" How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news."
Isaiah 52:7
" He has shown me over & over the vision of His feet walking on the mountains. He will penetrate this place with His glory!" 9/5/21

"My; How He lifts us up! 
1 Peter 4:12-13"

 "His presence will fill the praises of the Appalachian people.” 9/5/21

"You must come to me like a child.
Preach the gospel the way a child would before they learned to be self-conscience and have experienced rejection." 9/5/21

1 Peter 2:10 "Once you had no identity as a people; now you are God's people. Once you received no mercy; now you have received God's mercy."

“Lift your head to the hills.
Turn your face to the Sun/Son.
Love pouring like a stream,
giving life to all that was once dry.
The sound of heaven will awaken the hearts of the barren, and it will produce fruit, fruit, fruit.” 9/5/21

"My anointing is coming upon Appalachia. Haven’t I said that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh? Your sons and daughters shall prophecy and see great and mighty things come to pass that I have ordained before the foundation of the world. Lift up your eyes and see what I’m doing in Appalachia. Come up here and see." 9/5/21

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