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Promised Vision

It took a generation to prepare Israel to enter the Promise Land, and it took a generation for Israel to occupy it. The Lord said that He would drive the enemy out “little by little,” so the task would not be overwhelming (see Deut. 7:22; Exodus 23:30). The Lord’s heart was that the Nation would increase in numbers and in faith so to occupy the Promise well.

I believe it took a generation, but the Lord has prepared us to enter well the Promise He has prepared for us as a Lighthouse/Eastern Gate/Antioch Hub/Appalachia Awakening congregation that has become the major Kaleo Base for the U.S.A and a connecting point for the streams of Christendom that profoundly long for “Deep calling out to deep…!”

While our new facility is the fulfillment of prophecy and the confirmations have been amazing, it—like the land Israel occupied—is not the real promise. The Promise looks like a Nation—a Congregation—working as one to see fulfilled a much larger vision.

For Israel, it looked like a holy people working together to clear a land of the nations of people so given over to sexual and idolatrous sin that there was no hope of redemption.

For us, First Church, it looks like an army of missionaries, pastors, congregations—apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers—who are equipped, restored, and loved well at this Antioch Hub as they journey forth into the world and especially Appalachia to proclaim the Good News of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Brothers and Sisters, this will not be a short journey with an easy finish. This is long-term process in fulfilment of a long-term Promise meant to shape the next generation at First Church—and hundreds of thousands connected to us by the Spirit.

Just as it will take time and continual sacrifice to see this building become what the Lord sees it as being, it will take time and persecution and selflessness and deep faith from and in Jesus to occupy God’s great Promise and Vision for us.

The human, fleshly response is to grow weary and give up along the way. Even Israel occupied—but not fully occupied—the Promise God gave them. We serve under a better promise and an eternal Covenant they could only hope for. “Good enough” as an excuse to take a “rest” from Kingdom life is the antithesis of the Good News.

We are a people set apart (holy) called to a grand vision and promise. My prayer, dear Family, is that the Lord will say to us, as HE finishes His plans through us as a People, “Well done, good and faithful servants!”

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