Pastor John Cahill put together a video which is about to go out to all the Harvest School and Kaleo School Alumni as well as being used in future schools. Click here to watch. With both the Kaleo Leadership School (Here!) and the Harvest School taking place in Tennessee this year, it seems as if the Lord has given us the perfect timing and framework to move forward in the Appalachian Awakening.
As the Lord brings people from other places to this Antioch Hub, we have a heart and vision for equipping them and sending them forth into ministry. Below is the outline developed to help guide those who are answering the Lord’s call to gather here—and them to go forth into all of Appalachia…
Appalachia Awakening Church Planting Outline
Vision: To provide a space and template to raise up and establish Church Planters with a heart for revival in Appalachia. In collaboration Iris International as a Kaleo congregation we (First Church) want to identify: 1) those who are called to pastor to the least of these in rural impoverished Appalachian towns; 2) allow them to be baptized in the vision of The Appalachia Awakening, and; 3) disciple them in servant leadership in planting vibrant House to House groups, with a vision to plant other House to House groups, with the sole purpose of building the kingdom of Heaven on earth, and exalting the beautiful name of Jesus.
18 months outline (the outline is subject to change in process by leading of the Holy Spirit): (During this process students will be guided and discipled by First Church leadership.)
To get started:
Fill out application and go through interview and acceptance process.
Relocate and find employment, or establish business as a primary source of income for living and ministry in Livingston TN. We want to find people who refuse to live under an entitlement mentality. Candidates need to be self-sufficient and willing to work during the entire process.
Month 1-3
Begin to fully immerse into First Church culture. Commit to Sunday morning service, a house to house group, and other First Church events and church planting activities. Learn to live in vibrant community.
If applicable, we will guide missionaries to attend or register for either Iris Harvest Mission School, Kaleo School of Missions, and/or Kaleo Leadership School.
Month 3-6
Begin making weekly trips to the area God is calling you to plant a House to House group.
Find a desired building or a home to plant House to House Group.
Find a job and or begin plans to transition personal business to desired region or town.
Month 6-9:
Begin a ministry to serve target town. Weekly cookouts, dinners, widows, homeless population, etcetera…
Begin the process to move to region or town and acquire building or home for House to House group.
Begin to setup House to House group(s).
Month 9-18 and beyond
Move and establish House to House group(s).
Identify and disciple other leaders to plug into the Appalachia Awakening.
Assist in planting other House to House groups as church multiplies.
Our primary role is to equip, confirm, and send forth those the Lord brings here. That is how it worked in Antioch, and that is how it works here. The responsibility to equip, raise up, and even ordain these missionary pioneers is enormous—just as it was when the leadership of Antioch laid hands on Barnabas and Paul. Are we ready? It is a great joy for me as your Pastor to say, “Yes, I believe we are…!”