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Livingston First Church

Rekindle the Fire

In a cold world, light a fire! The last several days, Tina and I lit our wood-burning stove and kept it going strong. We had to repeatedly throw more wood on the fire and stir up the embers to fan into flame and keep the fire burning red hot.

It’s a cold, fallen world out there, and it is critically important that we keep the Fires of God’s Presence flaming in our hearts and through our lives!

And when they prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word with boldness. (Acts 4:31)

Peter and John had been arrested for releasing Jesus’ healing a lame man?! Upon their release, they rejoined their companions who had been praying. The prayer meeting really took off and the people began boldly crying out to God for holy boldness to speak the word and for even greater manifestations of miracles. The Lord answered that prayer in a very loud and demonstrative way…!

What I find to very important to our current situation is this:

  • When the nations rage—when the world gets even crazier—prayer is our greatest weapon!

  • Communal prayer gatherings are often even more powerful than our individual prayer closets or war rooms.

  • Declaring the greatness of God, describing scripturally what the current situation is, and crying out for power—not to argue back but rather to—release the Word as confirmed by the Spirit brings an earthshaking, “Yes and Amen!” from Heaven!!


Every person in that house was already Spirit-filled. They had ALL experienced the Fires of Pentecost; yet Father and Son filled every one of them with Spirit again—in a manifestation as amazing as the first time!

The picture for us all today should be clear:

We NEED to be Filled…,

And filled…,

And filled…,

And filled… over and over and over and over and over again!

There is NEVER too much of the Holy Spirit! You cannot Overdose on the Holy Ghost! “One and done” when it comes to Holy Spirit Immersions is unscriptural and even deadly religious…!

NORMAL Christianity consists of being baptized repeatedly with the FIRE of God. The flames die down if we are not refilled. The Flames become embers and the embers become distant memories if we are not quick to cry out for more fire! It doesn’t take long to replace fire with activities or programs or rituals. You and I are not in charge of how the Fire manifests or what it accomplishes, but we ARE in charge of wanting more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and….!

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