Called Forward Celebration
As a former Methodist congregation, we are used to the idea of a Charge Conference in the fall. Though our District Superintendents did their best to try and spice them up, the bottom line is that they were business meetings first and foremost…
It was not so for the early Methodists and will not be for us any longer! On November 6th at 6:00 p.m., we will be having our Called Forward Celebration. In it we will do what early Christians did—gather for fellowship, powerful worship, commissioning of our leaders, and Spirit-empowered prayer. It will be a night focused on Jesus and orchestrated by His Spirit rather than a business meeting! It will be a blast!
Please mark your calendar and plan on celebrating our Family and our Future in the Lord!
School of Fire
A relationship is dynamic; It must be nurtured; it should always be focused on growing deeper and more vibrant—especially our relationship with the Lord! “Stagnant” is an unacceptable definition of our Walk by Faith…! “Vibrant and growing” is what we all need!
Starting Thursday November 21 at 6:30 and continuing until Saturday night the 23rd, we will be having a Fire School at Standing Stone Park. There is only room for 80, so get your name to Amy fast! This will be a weekend of intense exposure to the Lord and His Spirit! This will be a weekend that will redefine your relationship with Jesus, taking you and me to a deeper, more vibrant place—allowing us to serve Him, each other, and the world more dynamically!
Please mark your calendar and plan on catching on fire at the Fire School! “Stirring into flame” each other is a wonderful part of church life. But we must first catch on fire…!
Baptism Sunday
On Sunday November 24, assisted by Josh Muse, I will be baptizing a baptism of repentance, into Jesus and with the Holy Spirit to any and all whom God is calling to be baptized. Let us know if that involves you or family members! This will be a powerful and anointed baptismal experience, not a formalistic ritual. Pray and ask the Lord if this is for you!
God has designated us as an Antioch Church, a Gateway church, and a Revival church. Those are not fancy names or marketing tools; They are who we are collectively; they prophetically define our future together and set our course forward. For our part, we simply need to avail ourselves to opportunities to keep growing and walking by faith—right into the Arms of Jesus, eventually. May we meet a huge contingent of folks who are there with Him because of what we are being and doing right here and now…!