We’re In The World!
It’s important to remind ourselves that we are part of a much bigger family with a much bigger vision than what we see week to week in our First Church gatherings. It’s vital to remember that while our mission as a local church is to Appalachia. We are also part of a larger church network that is also reaching into the most remote and rural parts of the world to preach the Gospel to souls who have never heard it before. As you may have heard earlier this year, some of our leaders from Kaleo made an advance trip to South Sudan to strategize with the Lord to begin the work of planting churches and preparing the land for revival and an end time harvest. In that trip Holy Spirit opened doors and provided resources for the Kaleo Bible School in Kenya to begin sending the first Kaleo Missionaries to South Sudan as they will start their kingdom work.
This is no small undertaking as some areas in South Sudan are some of the most unreached and closed to the Gospel areas in the world. Muslim worship, antimistic beliefs and extreme poverty from years of war all are a normal part of the lifestyle for the South Sudanese people. Which is all the more reason to passionately go with the restorative Gospel of Jesus to reveal His Light in places that are exceptionally dark on the earth. For more info on this and to hear Kaleo Founder Josh Muse explain the plan in depth, please watch the video linked below.
Pastor John
