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Livingston First Church

Updates from the field

Updates from the Field Part 2:

I love how our Church body is so active and obedient to Jesus’s final commandment on earth, before ascending to the right hand of the Father, GO INTO ALL THE NATIONS! There has been a lot of that over the last few weeks. I wanted to do another recap and update on all God has been doing in the mission field, domestically and abroad, through our Church and Kaleo network. Remember, whether you were physically part of the outreach, or praying from a distance as others went into the harvest field, it makes no difference. You can rejoice and partake in the eternal reward, however you were able to participate.

Recently, we did an outreach in Clinton County, KY. A team of about 26 (including women of Adult and Teen Challenge, and a group of missionaries from Summit Leadership School in Dalton, GA) broke into groups and canvassed five different neighborhoods. We went with nothing more than the Presence of God and a plan to do door-to-door evangelism ministry (see Luke 10). The results were powerful! Four people, that we know of, gave their lives to Jesus at their homes. There were also various healings that Jesus graciously provided to reveal His glory and love for those we shared the gospel with. The healings included: a woman’s deaf ears opening, a man received relief from pain he was experiencing caused by MS, a woman's knee healed that she had not been able to bend or use without pain, and another man’s back healed after being doubled over in pain from a car he was working on falling off a lift and onto him years ago. God is GOOD!!!! This outreach was very encouraging and helpful to the Grant Family, as they continue to research planting a Kaleo Community in Eastern KY. Pray for them as the Lord leads them into the next steps.

Meanwhile, on the Continent of Africa, Josh Muse, Don Ragland and team have been making headway into unreached tribes and people groups of South Sudan. Through the Kaleo Bible Institute, located in Western Kenya, God provided supernatural favor and direction for Kaleo to make en-routes to plant one of the first Christian churches in remote parts of South Sudan. These are areas inhabitated by 98% Muslim communities. HALLELUJAH!!! While that may seem like a world away, the reality is we (First Church) have been closely connected to, and with the work there, through financial support to the Bible College and, of course, cheering on and praying for our very own, Josh and Don. Attached, you will find a video of one of the new African churches, followed by an audio recording of a Kaleo Pastor interpreting the song you are hearing in the video. Enjoy!

It’s mind blowing all that Jesus is doing around the world through our Body, and it’s humbling to know that this is only the beginning…. Stay tuned for more updates.


Pastor John

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