“How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony! For harmony is as precious as the anointing oil that was poured over Aaron’s head, that ran down his beard and onto the border of his robe. Harmony is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermon that falls on the mountains of Zion. And there the Lord has pronounced his blessing, even life everlasting.”
Psalms 133:1-3
The Lord is doing a new thing in our city and to say I am excited would be an understatement. April, 7 which is Good Friday, will be a momentous day in our beloved Livingston. First Church, in partnership with numerous other local church bodies in our area, will be hosting a Community Wide Worship and Baptism Service. Why is this so special? Well, first off it will be just plain old fashioned fun to worship and pray with other believers in our community that we don't get to fellowship with regularly… But more importantly as outlined in Psalm 133, there is an anointing and power that is released from heaven on to the earth, when believers choose to lay down differences and gather together in the presence of God. Unity like this will refresh, position and empower our city towards what God is doing in our churches in this county and beyond. It is vital that we at First Church show up to this, to not only encourage those who are being baptized, but also to support this wind of unity Holy Spirit is blowing on the hearts of our churches in Livingston. This is a unique opportunity from heaven and as a church who is experiencing and loves revival, we need to grab onto this wholeheartedly. So please make plans to participate in this. The event will be from 12-3pm at the Livingston Central Park amphitheater. Bring a lawn chair, stay for as long or as little as you are able. Plan to cheer on those who are being baptized as we worship the Father and pray for His will to be done in Livingston, TN.
If you are wanting to be baptized at this event, I would love to make that happen for you. Please reach out to the church office so we can make proper arrangements.
Also this Friday March 31, in cooperation with Teen Challenge of The Upper Cumberland, we will be going door-to-door in Livingston to pray for people and promote this event. I really would like for you to be a part of that as well. We will meet at the church at 12:30.
As a final appeal for your participation in this, we have a mandate as the local church to care for the well being and spiritual prosperity of the community we are planted in. It’s time that we, the Church, take that responsibility seriously and take on the burden of discipling, with a vision. Not just for the people who show up to our church, but also the people we call our neighbors outside the church walls.
Pastor John
