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Livingston First Church

Loving the World for Christ

I’m always amazed when I stop to think about all the wonderful things Jesus is doing in the life of our Church. When you stop to think about it, we have a lot of amazing things going on all the time. It’s a privilege to be a part of such a vibrant, local church body committed to loving and serving our community to Jesus. Even more so, when I stop to think about all of the works we are a part of through Kaleo International that are making an impact globally, I am blown away… I don't know if you realize it or not, but we First Church, a Kaleo congregation, are directly involved in some incredibly important Kingdom works all over the world. Not only do we directly support the persecuted underground Church in many regions of the world, we also are a part of preaching the Gospel to unreached people groups in many other parts of the world. Recently, our network leader and founder of Kaleo, Josh Muse, sent a message out to all of the pastors within our network. This message highlights some prayer directives for reaching newly- accessed, unreached tribes in areas across the Globe that have never heard the Gospel. I want to share this with you so that you are further aware of what you are a part of and can join in prayer. You will also find a graphic from Josh, highlighting all the areas to pray for globally during this time of fasting…

**** Because of Fire School our fasting time started earlier than the rest of the Kaleo network. Feel free to amend dates and pray for regions as the Lord leads.*****

From Josh Muse:

Good morning! As part of our vision to reach the unreached we are focusing on 21 tribes or ethnic groups that Kaleo will be working to reach with the gospel in the next few years (we have already sent church planters to several of these tribes already) Most of these tribes are completely unreached by the gospel.

Please invite the churches you lead to also join us praying for these tribes.

Please pray for:

- men of peace: who will open up unreached communities for the gospel.

- new missionaries to arise who will dedicate their lives to planting churches among one or more of these people groups.

- indigenous pastors and missionaries from these tribes who will take the gospel and lead churches.

- signs wonders and miracles

- strategies and wisdom on how to reach these people with the gospel.

- resources for the mission.

- modes of transportation: many of these tribes are in remote, very hostile places.

Matt. 9:37-38 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”


Pastor John

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