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Livingston First Church

Important Updates

Hello beloved church family, in this blog post I want to just remind you of a few upcoming events that I really hope we as a church grab onto… As you may know we stay pressed in and move forward around here. Oftentimes with so much going on it can be easy to lose track of the calendar, and miss some key events in doing so.

  1. We are feeding the LA Football Team and Cheerleaders dinner on Sept. 15 at the high school after their game against Pickett County (around 9pm). This is a great opportunity for our church to not only bless the players and cheerleaders but also to bless Livingston Academy and our Overton County School Board as a whole. Graciously, Sherry Huck has taken the lead on organizing this and passed around a sign up sheet for folks to cook sides, meat, and help set up and serve on the night of the dinner. If you missed this last Sunday contact the church office and we will point you in the right direction to get signed up. I am also asking that we as a church body commit the week of the game to praying for the players and cheerleaders, the student body and all of the Overton County School system. This is a big deal! Our schools need the churches of this county to be a source of blessing and resource and that's what we are going to do. This is a cooperative effort with many other churches in the area who are feeding the team during other home games this season. I know that when the larger church prays in unity, Jesus shows up in power. So let's do our part and pray. Pray at home, at our prayer room meetings, and any other opportunities God gives you.

  1. The Kaleo Family Gathering is November 1st - November 3rd in Reynosa Mexico. YOU SHOULD COME! This will be a powerful time of impartation, refreshment and connection with the larger Kaleo family. I myself am looking forward to this time to receive from God.

Oftentimes, when people ask me what Kaleo is or does, I usually say Kaleo is an International Missions and Church Planting Network. This nutshell statement doesn't really do justice for all that Kaleo really does. From refugee centers, to reaching the most unreached people groups all over the world, Kaleo has a wide range of front-line ministries. Really the best way to wrap your head around it all is to simply come and see for yourself. I really would like us to do as much of the travel and accommodations together as a Church body as possible, but I need a headcount before I can start putting that together. Please contact the Church office if you would like to come!

I hope you can participate with me in these events. It's always more fun when we do it together. With that being said, I pray God would continue to bless you and your family, that you would passionately say yes to all Jesus is calling you to, and that you would lean heavily into grace and not take yourself too seriously when you fall short.

Love you all!

Pastor John

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