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Livingston First Church

Full Speed Ahead!

The last two months have been a whirlwind and an absolute blast! God has done some much in the last 60 days, It's getting hard to keep track of it all. Though I wanted to share a few highlights with you for celebratory purposes. So that you can share in the joy and be encouraged by what you are a part of.

  • We just finished building the back school portion of the building! This marks a huge milestone and is the end of the beginning of the total buildout. Not only do we have a defined space for our Leadership school ( a large proponent of the vision our Church is called to ) we also now have an additional two bathrooms to use until the main Church bathroom construction begins. What a relief! (pun intended). Construction is continuing forward at full speed, but this portion being complete is a huge shift of momentum. This gives us the ability to begin work on the main Church bathrooms that are in desperate need of upgrading.

  • We recently welcomed a new Church body and a new Church planting couple into our Kaleo network. Pastor Philip and Janet McCoy of Grace Fellowship Church and Church Planters Colby and Taylor Shoates of Love Well ministries. The Kaleo family is growing in the United States and it’s a joy and privilege to run with like minded ministries that are focused on Jesus!

  • The Leadership School is beginning July 11-29th! There is something special about this school. Maybe it’s the fact that it’s in the new building in its own defined space, or maybe it’s the fact that it’s doubled in size from last year. It just feels like it’s going to bring an increase of God’s glory to our Church body. I have already heard two trusted leaders in our congregation say that they felt the Lord is going to bring a shift in the atmosphere for us through this school. Do we know all of what that means? Of course not, but I believe that it was the Lord and we need to not disregard it. July is going to be an intensely busy month, especially for your favorite Cahill family as we welcome our new baby girl into the world. Speaking of a new baby…

  • This is new territory for us. Though we know all about having and raising babies, we know nothing about having a baby while pastoring a Church. We will need grace! July will be a messy but glorious month for us and it may seem at times that we are absent from Church life, but trust me we are still connected and committed. Just easing into a new season. There are three guest speakers scheduled to speak for three consecutive Sundays in July. Josh Muse, Founder / director of Kaleo International on July 17th, Tineke Bouman of Lighthouse Ministries on July 24th, and our very own Don Ragland Co-Director of Kaleo International on July 31st. It is sure to be an anointed three weeks of preaching that I am officially calling the Fire Series. You won’t want to miss a single Sunday in July and I encourage you to bring a friend!

God is certainly moving in our congregation and each of us have an important role to play in His plan. I want to leave you with…

Act 4: 32-34.

32 All the believers were united in heart and mind. And they felt that what they owned was not their own, so they shared everything they had. 33 The apostles testified powerfully to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and God’s great blessing was upon them all. 34 There were no needy people among them, because those who owned land or houses would sell them 35 and bring the money to the apostles to give to those in need.

After the first Pentecost the first Church entered into an intense season of revival. Because of what God was doing, each believer felt compelled by the Holy Spirit to give into God’s vision all that they had. I don’t want to use the scripture to try to talk you into giving more that would be disingenuous. Besides, you don't have to talk people into a move of God. Holy Spirit can speak for Himself. I am simply asking that if you are called to First Church and the work Jesus is doing here, that you allow the Holy Spirit to show you what you are to give of yourself to this vision, and say yes to His leading whole heartedly. A vision as big as this takes all of us!


Pastor John

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