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Livingston First Church

Eternal Rewards

Eternal Rewards

Revelation 22:12-13

12 “Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay all people according to their deeds. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”

I would never want anyone to believe they could earn their salvation through works or their eternal destiny is determined by a lifetime of striving, grinding and hoping in the effort of human hands. We are not relying on a heavenly score box, or a cosmic pay it forward system. It's only by Jesus shed blood and righteousness that eternity is available to you.

While at the same time, you are only fooling yourself if you believe that the Lord is not storing up eternal rewards for you and other saints based on what we gave up on earth, in order to build His Kingdom. When you understand that with a humble heart, it becomes a cause of celebration to know whatever temporary thing you gave up now, has been invested into an eternal storehouse. Jesus is worth it on His own, but because He is so good and abundantly rich in mercy, He gives us the ability to make eternal transactions while we are still on earth. This is one of the reasons we find joy in sacrifice, resolve in pain, and hope in persecution. Every time we let go of ourselves on earth, for the sake of the Kingdom, we are investing in eternal rewards through the grace of Jesus. Hallelujah! At the beginning of the year we, as a Church, made large gifts into both the crisis in Ukraine and the crisis at the Southern Border. We definitely could have used the money in both instances to further our building project. We could have made our church accommodations a little more comfortable and more quickly. Though, through the discernment of the Holy Spirit, we as Body felt the money would be better used to alleviate the suffering of our brother and sisters in the Ukraine and Mexico. The results of these choices on earth are clear and evident, as we see before our eyes the gospel being spread and the Kingdom being built. We can also rejoice in that sacrifice there are eternal rewards the Lord is storing up for us! Again, Hallelujah!

This month we received word in Ukraine that thousands upon thousands of refugees have been received at the Polish border to find shelter and safety in Gospel centered refugee camps that we sowed into. We also learned the Kaleo Refugee Center in Reynosa Mexico is up and running and already receiving vulnerable women and children who have been left homeless, at the border, by those that would exploit them. God is good; it is such an honor to be a part of His eternal plans. Below you will find pictures from the Kaleo Refugee Center. Thank you for your sacrifice and willingness to be a part of what God is doing in the Nations and in the midst of crisis.


Pastor John

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