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Emotional Control

Proverbs 16:32 

32He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty,

And he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.

This week, through a network of various friends and colleagues I was introduced to a video testimony of an ex-satanist and witch doctor retelling the story of how he came to Christ. It’s a powerful story with much to glean from. In the story the man who used to be severely demonized is talking about a showdown he is having with a young Christian woman and his attempt to demonicaly influence and torment her also. 

He goes on to recount trying to project anger into her by staring into her eyes with hopes he can manipulate her emotions. He says being able to do so would open a door in the young woman's heart for the demonic to influence her life. Although he claims he has done this many times before to many other people with much greater titles than her such as “pastor and bishops” he is not able to project anger into her. Instead he then claims that he himself is actually the one who is getting angry and losing control of his emotions. He explicitly says that he knew he lost his authority as soon as he became angry.  He realizes he has no control over this woman's life who is very much in control of her own spirit and emotions.  From this moment of clarity, the witch doctor has a vision where he encounters Jesus and His love as he is still staring into the young woman’s eyes. Now as a born again Spirit-filled Christian this once demonically oppressed man can share his story of finding freedom in Christ because of a Spirit-filled young woman who was able to stay in control of her own emotions by standing firm in Jesus.  I find this to be a remarkable testimony that not only demonstrates God's power and love to protect His people, His desire to save even the most lost, but also a story that highlights our need as God fearing people to have control over our minds, will, and emotions as we daily learn how to continually rest in God. 

In the world, the most powerful are those who are the most dominating, most intimidating or most influential. We revere those who can get what they want and get things done. This is not real authority, this is manipulation. Real authority in the Kingdom of heaven comes from a humble heart that can rest fully in God, even in the midst of the most severe moments of distress and uncomfortability. Without supernatural peace that comes from knowing fully you're a son or daughter of God your authority stops when you run into a person who is more dominating, more manipulative or angrier than you. You can be a hard working person, driven, motivated, and intelligent but if your heart is unsettled and your emotions are untethered from the heart of God you are like a ship being tossed to and fro in the storms of life.

I believe that this is the reason the Holy Spirit has put such an emphasis on inner healing this year. We the Church can not conquer hell and build the Kingdom if we haven’t yet fought for freedom in our own hearts. In fact, I would suggest it’s dangerous to fight spiritual battles with a broken and emotionally unsettled spirit. Of course, none of us will ever be perfect or have achieved complete healing until we finish our race on earth, but at the same time you can’t walk in repentance from heart issues that you don’t even know are there. Thus allowing the issues of the heart to be stuffed or hidden is actually allowing the enemy to have secret access doors to your heart and mind. I am so thankful that God has brought us into a relationship with Restoration House of Prayer and Heart Garden Ministries this year. I’m so thankful that our Kaleo Family invests so much into inner healing, within all the schools we have available throughout the year. In order for us to go where Jesus is leading us, to build the Kingdom in the coming years, we have to have whole healed hearts, and a willingness to steward our minds, will and emotions. I encourage you to watch the video referenced above. I also strongly encourage you ask Holy Spirit if there is anything in your heart that needs dealt with, consider inner healing. Allow the Lord to build a sturdiness in your emotions. Allow Jesus to rule and reign on the throne of your heart. 


Pastor John

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