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Livingston First Church

Aloha Obedience

Aloha is not a Biblical word, but it certainly pictures Biblical truth! Though pagan in origin, aloha expresses a depth of meaning that goes beyond saying “hello” or “goodbye.” The word expresses a sense of love and compassion and unity that is downright Christian…!

As you know, Tina and I just returned from a week in Hawaii as we celebrated our 32nd anniversary. It was a great week spent with the most amazing woman in the world for me—Tina Faye Irby Green. We share a communion in marriage that is reflected in the word Aloha.

God brought us together, called us into ministry together, and taught us the essence of a truly Christian marriage—to become one, rather than to live parallel lives. We complete each other’s sentences. We hurt with each other, we rejoice with each other, and we cry with each other, and sometimes we argue together. We share life together. We breath together…

As explained to us in Hawaii and confirmed by a research, the essence of the word Aloha is to share breath. The most traditional and authentic sharing of the word and thought of Aloha looks like two people placing their foreheads together and sharing each other’s breath…. It is in this place of communal unity, love, respect, compassion, vulnerability, and transparency that Aloha in its deepest sense is expressed.

Again, Jesus said, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent Me, so I am sending you.’ Then He breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’ (John 20: 21-22)

The Breath of God, the Holy Spirit, blew in Adam and Eve’s face in the perfection of Eden and was blown by Jesus upon the faces of the disciples on the night of the resurrection. In HIS breath, we find a place of profound unity, forgiveness and forgiving (see John 20:23) compassion, restoration, freedom and healing that takes Aloha to a completely new level.

The Breath of God resurrected your dry bones and mine and brought us to the New Birth. The Breath of God shared with each other defines the love and unity that should always describe the heart of the Bride of Christ. As a congregation, we share each other’s breath just as surely as we share the Breath of God. To shun either is to shun both…

Perhaps at greeting time as Church this Sunday, we should join foreheads, share a breath, and speak Aloha to each other. Certainly, we should celebrate the shared air we breath as being the Breath of God, the Holy Spirit, the Breath of Life that unites us in obedient love to the Lord and with the Lord!

Apart from the Lord’s Breath, we are dead in sin and lost in life. But as HE places His forehead upon you and me and… breathes…we live!!! We become profoundly ONE with our Maker and one with each other…! Aloha!!

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